
Know for
05 Mar, 1955 (69 years old)

Scott Scurlock


Scott Scurlock (March 5, 1955 – November 28, 1996) born William Scott Scurlock in Fairfax County, Virginia was the son of a minister. He was nicknamed the Hollywood Bandit (or simply Hollywood). He got this nickname from his involvement in bank robberies in the Seattle area during the 1990s during which he used acting makeup and disguises. Using Hollywood quality make-up he successfully robbed 17 banks. His last attempt ended in a police shootout with Scurlock escaping the scene. His two accomplices were captured and one gave Scurlock up. He eventually committed suicide via gunshot to the head as FBI agents waited outside a trailer he was held up in and called out to him to surrender.

Known For

How to Rob a Bank
87 min 2024

How to Rob a Bank

Documentary Movie